Pickup & Delivery Services

Pick up, Load, Deliver

If you’ve recently purchased a large or bulky item but don’t have a way to get it to your home or office, don’t worry – we can help!

How it works.


Wright Moving’s pickup and delivery service features our professionally-trained and background-checked movers who will pick up your purchase, load it onto our trucks, and deliver it wherever it needs to go.


Specialty Items


From couches to tanning beds, exercise equipment, commercial ranges, commercial refrigerators, display cases, and more – our trustworthy movers can take the stress out of purchasing large items and provide you with the peace of mind that your new purchase will arrive to your home safely.


What we can not deliver.


We can take care of most any item, but sometimes there are a few things that we are not permitted to pick up or deliver. These specialty items include guns, ammunition, some pool tables, and large safes to name a few. This restriction is to ensure we are following all laws, and providing safety to your belongings as well as our employees. We work with many professional companies that we can refer to help with any of these speciality items.